Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Children of Men Screening Notes

We are on a bus. The policemen, dressed as intimidating as possible, are on the bus with dogs. The chaotic talking as ceased and turned to hushness. Our heroine is about to birth a baby, and she can't hide it. They tell her to stop and she can't they start to remove her, and her helper stands up and starts praying to the gods. She had been doing so in her seat at a low mummur. They sit her down and she does it again. They decide to take her off the bus they are on. They grab for the pregnant girl, but Clive Owen stops them. Shouts piss as if in a different accent. They look. Her water has broke. They look disgusted by what they think is piss. He leaves her, and Clive Owen immediately goes to her. The nanny is now on the floor with everyone else. It looks like abu grabe, where mutlple lines of naked men are being attacked by dogs. The bus starts moving as we see the nanny's face....for the last time, a black hood being placed over her head. The bus continues, and we see more hooded men being taunted and caged. Further along... and the men becomes bodies, laid out and tossed away.

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